The viscous dissipation effect on forced convection in a porous saturated circular tube with an isoflux wall is investigated on the basis of the Brinkman flow model. 基于Brinkman流动模型,研究了等通量壁多孔饱和圆管中粘性耗散对强迫对流的影响。
The results show that the natural convection has an important effect on the fluid flow in continuous casting tundish, so a non-isothermal water model should be employed when study the fluid flow pattern in big volume tundish. 实验结果表明自然对流对钢液的流动模式具有重要的影响,因此,对于体积大、流间距长的中间包必须采用非等温的模拟研究方法。
The convection in molten liquid can be much more weakened by buoyancy convection increasing the flow of liquid encapsulation in this model. 在本文模型中,浮力对流促进了液封层的流动,从而加大了对熔体热毛细对流的抑制作用。
Natural convection around a horizontal, isothermal cylinder in an infinite, fluid-saturated porous medium is modeled analytically using the Darcy flow model. 本文运用达西流模型,对饱和含湿多孔介质中环绕水平等温圆柱发生的自然对流进行了数值模拟和分析。
The concrete manifestation is: 1. Based on the theory of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, taking into account of heat convection between air and tunnel wall, three-dimensional unsteady viscous, compressible, non-isentropic flow field model is established. 具体表现在:1.以流体力学和传热学理论为基础,考虑空气与围岩对流换热,建立了三维粘性、可压缩、不等熵非定常流模型。